Marc S. Glasser's home page -- under construction (always!)

Picture of Marc

Artwork copyright ©1990 by Nina Bogin.
Used by kind permission of the artist.

Marc S. Glasser

known to some as Beyond the Fringefan,
is a geek, a science-fiction fan (and one of the senior members of NYUSFS),
writer and publisher of the apa-zine and letter-substitute Beyond the Fringefan
(seen in APA-NYU* each month),
a filker (but no relation to filkers Daniel and Melissa Glasser)
who even composes one or two occasionally,
a Nobody, an Idiot, a Wobegonian,
one of Mike Oldfield's few American fans,
a freelance proofreader and editor,
and a nominal retiree of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company Chemical Bank Chase Manhattan
J.P. Morgan Chase and Company after over 29 years.
Freelancers Union Member Badge Marc's business card
(He's no longer looking for work;
just for history's sake,
this was his résumé the last time he was.

He lives at The N.Y. Cadre
and can be reached via the Internet at nycadre at acedsl dot com.

* The final paper collation of APA-NYU was held on April Fools' Day 2004.
The first monthly  "collation " of the apa's new electronic incarnation was issued on 5 May 2004.
If you didn't get a copy, e-mail Marc and ask about getting copies,
and then visit <> to join the e-list (search for the group "apa-nyu").