Marc S. Glasser's home page -- under construction (always!)
Artwork copyright ©1990 by Nina Bogin.
Used by kind permission of the artist.
Marc S. Glasser
known to some as Beyond the Fringefan,
is a geek, a science-fiction fan (and one of the senior members of NYUSFS),
writer and publisher of the apa-zine and letter-substitute Beyond the Fringefan
(seen in APA-NYU* each month),
a filker (but no relation to filkers Daniel and Melissa Glasser)
who even composes one or two occasionally,
a Nobody,
an Idiot, a Wobegonian,
one of Mike Oldfield's few American fans,
a freelance proofreader and editor,
and a nominal retiree of Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company Chemical Bank Chase Manhattan
J.P. Morgan Chase and Company after over 29 years.
(He's no longer looking for work;
just for history's sake,
this was his résumé the last time he was.
He lives at
and can be reached via the Internet at
* The final paper collation of APA-NYU was held on April Fools' Day 2004.
The first monthly "collation " of the apa's new electronic incarnation was issued on 5 May 2004.
If you didn't get a copy, e-mail Marc and ask about getting copies,
and then visit <> to join the e-list (search for the group "apa-nyu").